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Customer Insights - Segments - Expand output entity

Segments Recently I found another new feature that allows to extend the output entity, generated when you define a segment, in Customer Insights. Lets say, we create a new segment called "Promo Customers", that contains Customers that have earned more than 200 Loyalty points in your bonus programm and you want to market these customers. You would navigate to Segments and create a new segment from blank: First you define a name and can add a short description, explaining your segment: Then you define the filter criteria of your segment. In this case our segment is based on a measure, that calculates the sum of all loyalty points per customer: After clicking on save, your segment will be calculated: Once the segment has been calculated, you can view it and you will see a list of all customers that apply to the filter criteria: So we can see our segment has 158 members and a list of all the members containing all fields of their customer profile. But what we do not see is how ma...
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Customer Insights - Measure templates

Measure templates Recently a new feature has been added to Customer Insights, which allows to create measures based on templates. If you select "Choose a template" various templates are offered, that allow the calculation of popular KPIs, like Average transaction value, Loyalty points earned or Time since last purchase: If you select one of the templates, e.g. "Loyalty points earned" a short description of the measure based on an example, the formula behind the measure and the data, which is required to calculate the measure, is displayed: As we can see, this template is based on activities and the activities need the following information: - How many loyalty points have been earned with a purchase - Activity timestamp of the purchase Which means we have to setup an activity first, before we can define our measure. Activities In this example, we have an entity called "posPurchases", which contains transactional data in the following format: To add a new ac...

Automate document creation with DCP and Power Automate

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Make your flows configurable using environment variables

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Send e-mails with a link to the record via Power Automate

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